Entrepreneur Tips

Easy 3 Step Process to Setup Workflows in Your Business

Easy 3 Step Process to Setup Workflows in Your Business Laura Lee Creative
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Our mission is to help small business owners and purpose-driven entrepreneurs redefine success on their own terms and bring their passions and dreams to life with more ease, joy, confidence, fulfillment and freedom.

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7 Lessons to Create More Joy, Ease, Freedom and Abundance in Your Business and Life

Tavia Redburn’s From Better Half To Boss Podcast Episode

9 years ago, I was at a job that sucked the life out of me every single day.

Fast forward to the day I finally had the courage to quit that job and go full time in my business. I thought I was FREE, but I quickly burnt out because I had NO way of keeping anything organized, no smart way to do my tasks, and efficiency and systems were my weakest links. I WAS EXHAUSTED. My (very wise) mom said, “You need to create systems and a workflow. You need a procedure manual, and then I can help.”

That was a catalyst for so much ahead – and now I’m so honored to teach thousands of business owners every day about the power of workflows and systems.

your workflow is a catalyst for giving an incredible client experience graphic @lauraleecreative

Recently, I had the extreme pleasure of speaking on Tavia’s podcast From Better Half to Boss (the owner of The Beauty In Birth) all about setting up workflows and systems in your business!

It’s really as easy as starting with these 3 steps to setup workflows in your business!

  1. Outline the big chapters or milestones that will be in your workflow (I like to think of these as things like: Inquiry, Booking, Onboarding, Fulfillment of Service – which typically has sub-chapters in itself, and Offboarding)
  2. Fill in all those chapters with the actions that need to happen (an email, task, questionnaire, invoice, meeting with client, etc.) and the automation triggers of when each action needs to happen
  3. Put all your workflows into your CRM of choice!!

Once I had that workflow in place, I was able to go down to working between 10 to 20 hours a WEEK in my photo business.

This can be you friends!! I like to say my story is like a burned out to balanced story. And now I am just so fired up about helping people find time freedom AND run a thriving business while having a thriving personal life!

Click here to learn more about one-on-one coaching and done-for-you workflow implementation services. My team and I offer full service workflow creation + implementation into your CRM. We will walk you through creating all the steps of your individual workflow and then we will draft it and implement it for you! If you are looking to start using workflows immediately in your business, this is a great option to pursue. 

Click here to learn more about my signature course, Photography Workflow Mastery. Photography Workflow Mastery is an 8-module, video based, go-at-your-own-pace course that gives you an in-depth step-by-step guide for every single aspect of your photography business. This photographer’s workflow A-Z will help you get streamlined and start running an efficient, profitable business that doesn’t make you cry of overwhelm. 

The Laura Lee Creative Shop is FULL of helpful tools & templates for photographers including individual workflows + templates (i.e. the post-production workflow or wedding photography email templates) all the way to workflow bundles that include the complete wedding + portrait workflow templates. If you are interested in doing a self-guided, DIY workflow implementation, this is a great place to start! 

AND to get even more time back with your workflows, be sure to download my FREE Quickstart Guide for business owners with 10 must-do actions to add to your workflow to increase profits, skyrocket your efficiency and improve your client experience! Click here to download now

Head over to Tavia’s podcast to hear more details about my Easy 3 Step Process to Setup Workflows in Your Business and gain freedom in your life and business!!

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We teach paid courses, host a membership community, and sell DIY templates and resources - ALL designed to help business owners build better businesses and better lives.  Our hope is to help make following your passions easier. We can't wait to see your dreams come to life!

We also offer one on one services including brand photography, coaching, and done-for-you workflow creation and implementation.


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7 lessons to create more joy, ease, freedom, and abundance in your business and life.

laura lee creative

Helping purpose-driven entrepreneurs bring their passions, message, dreams and stories to the world while finding freedom in every area of their life and business.


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