For Photographers

How to Write a Wedding Blog in 15 Minutes or Less

How to Write a Wedding Blog in 15 min or less
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How to Write a Wedding Blog in 15 min or less

I used to dread writing blog posts. They took FOREVER and I would frequently think, “No one is actually going to read this! Except maybe my mom…so why bother?!” Or I’d be thinking “I SUCK at writing, this is hard!” Sound familiar? We’re visual creatives – we just want to take pictures and show them off! However, not blogging about your weddings and portrait sessions (yes, with ACTUAL text included!) means you may be missing out on MAJOR growth potential.

Here’s why:

1. When done correctly, it boosts your SEO. No brainer.

2. It’s 100% FREE advertising. I receive dozens of inquiries every year from clients who saw my blog posts on Facebook.

3. Your clients will rave about it – to you and their friends. Nearly every one of my brides tells me how much they love the personal touch my business offers. Most of my brides are in tears when they read the blog post. I’ve even had brides tell me that they were turned off by other photographers who simply posted pictures. When you simply post photos, your client might not feel that you are fully invested in their personal story.

4. An inactive blog can make it appear to a future client that you’re out of business. It’s important to either use it consistently or not at all. Once a week is plenty!

Now you’re probably shaking your head in agreement, thinking YES, you KNOW you should be blogging but then these thoughts come to mind:

“I am terrible at writing.”

“No one will read my blog anyway!”

“I don’t have time to add something else to my to-do list!”

This is why I’m here to help! I’ve created a free system for you so you can start writing blogs quickly and painlessly without staring at your computer screen

I use this system for every one of my wedding or portrait clients. Now, I can write a blog in a matter of MINUTES. No joke. For me, the key to building momentum and staying productive is breaking every major task into smaller pieces. So that’s exactly what I did for my blogging system!

Rather than sit down and try to write from scratch, I answer a few key questions for every wedding. The post ends up being hundreds of words because I’m simply answering easy questions about the couple!

The first four questions I answer:

  1. What was the venue, in what town, and what was the couple’s name? ← (get those SEO keywords in the first paragraph)
  1. How did the couple meet?
  1. How did the groom propose?
  1. What was their first date? Optional.

Then, I go into a series of 5-6 other questions and prompts to flesh out the blog post.  I follow the same format every single time and without fail, my blogs are written in a flash!

If you want the FULL system for FREE, you can grab it by clicking the image below!

My Foolproof System for Writing Blog Posts in Minutes!

Click here to subscribe

BONUS TIP: Send your couples a Relationship Questionnaire when you book them, asking them the first 4 questions on this list. You can easily copy their answers and switch their names out for “I’s and he’s and she’s”! But, don’t be afraid to add your own flare to it as well! =) Also, make sure your wedding questionnaire asks for the websites of all the vendors so you can properly credit them in your post!

AND to make your life even easier, I’ve added the Relationship Questionnaire I use for every one of my wedding or engagement couples to the Laura Lee Shop! You can grab it here or by clicking the image below.  The questionnaire includes 40 questions! If you use this questionnaire, I guarantee you’ll be building an incredible, personal relationship with your couples in no time (and, you’ll have plenttttttyyyy to write about!)

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  1. Jessica says:

    BLESS YOU CHILE! I was literally just thinking ugh…I don’t want to write wedding blogs anymore!

  2. Anila Sadia says:

    Marriage is one of the most important decisions for a person’s life. You have done a very good job by sharing this post, Keep it up.

  3. Blogging is probably the hardest thing for me as a wedding photographer and it’s something I’d love to improve! Thank you so much for sharing this blog. It’s really useful!

  4. Hey Lauralee,
    How are you ?
    I want to give you credit when it’s due for an absolutely amazing post, it really was informative.
    Jonathan Waterman

  5. Jessica says:

    You have done a very good job by sharing this post. Very useful.

  6. Arun Kumar says:

    Absolutely inspired by your approach to blogging and storytelling at weddings! At **AK Photography** in Coimbatore, we’re taking notes on how effectively you use heartfelt narratives to bring out the essence of each ceremony. The introduction of the Relationship Questionnaire is a game-changer, deepening connections with couples and easing the blogging process. This personal touch aligns perfectly with our philosophy at **AK Photography**, where we strive to capture every love story in its truest form. Kudos to you for merging visual creativity with engaging storytelling. It’s an art we’re excited to embrace in our own work.

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